
Local application of heat is used in diseases of the musculoskeletal system inflammatory, degenerative and post-traumatic character, diseases of the digestive system, metabolic disorders, diseases respiratory diseases, urological and gynaecological disorders and nervous diseases. It is also used for extreme cold, general or local. Depending on the depth of the cold action, it is either a superficial action for dampening pain, increase blood flow, or deep action to reduce metabolism and decrease blood flow. Used by is used for fresh bruising, sprains, muscle spasms, swelling, active arthritic syndrome, osteoarthritis, spastic paresis, etc.

Parafango pack

Parafango is an original method of local application of heat during which designated body parts are applied with strips of pure hard paraffin and mud. Afterwards, a special device heats and simultaneously sterilizes the mixture. This procedure use indicted for the treatment of locomotor system disorders of inflammatory, degenerative and posttraumatic nature, of digestive tract disorders, metabolic disorders, airway diseases, urological and gynecologic diseases and nervous disorders.

Contraindications: all acute conditions, inflammatory and oncological diseases, elevated blood pressure, pregnancy, etc.

Paraffin - gloves

The paraffin in gloves procedure uses the analgesic and hyper thermal effects of paraffin: hands are immersed into a paraffin bath, removed and the paraffin is let cool down and solidify while releasing heat intensively. This method is an effective answer to rheumatic and degenerative joins disorders, it hydrates the skin of hands has relaxing and calming effects.

Contraindication: dermatological and inflammatory conditions of hands
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