Hydrotherapy, or water therapy, is a method of rehabilitation which uses the medicinal effects of water. It is mainly the mineral thermal water that alleviates tension, pain and muscular stress. Highly suitable are baths with mineral essential oils and herbs which promote relaxation and elimination of stress and tension. Water massage loosens the locomotor system and relieves pain. Whirlpool baths gently activate the removal of the lymph, while bubble massage baths provide an excellent micro-massage.
Hydroxeur is a massage performed in water using special nozzles built-in in a balneological tub and utilizing acupuncture components. The combined effects of warm water and tiny jets of water induce muscular and emotional relaxation, stimulate crucial points on one’s back, arms and legs. This massage helps to treat painful condition affecting the locomotor system: degenerative, rheumatologic diseases, posttraumatic conditions, and fatigue syndrome.
Contraindication: dermatitis

Whirlpool bath
A whirlpool gently massages the whole body using the mechanical motion of warm water in a special-design tub. The combination of warm water and massage relaxes stiff muscles and joints, supplies blood to tissues which thus receive more oxygen and necessary nutrients. The lymphatic system is stimulated as well. This procedure is highly suitable for the treatment of posttraumatic and post-operation conditions, it affects impaired areas locally. It improves full-body relaxation and regeneration.
Contraindication: dermatological disorders

Complex hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy, or water therapy, je a method of rehabilitation, which uses the medicinal effects of water. Water alleviates tension and pain and relaxes muscles. Contrast hydrotherapy, or using cold and hot water sprayed under pressure from a nozzle, makes blood circulation faster, supplies skin with blood and makes it feel fresh and firm. The procedure is indicated for the treatment of locomotor system disorders; it fosters physical and mental resistance.
Contraindication: neurasthenia

Other baths
Other baths, such as the mineral bubble bath, are both hydrotherapeutic treatments, as well as treatments with a natural healing source.