What determines the quality of spa treatment?

Individual treatment plan

The treatment plan is the most important parameter of the quality of treatment. It should always include an initial and exit examination by a specialist doctor. Interim examinations are also usual. Based on the initial examination, the information that the patient brings with him/her about his/her health problems and the subjective problems that the patient is currently experiencing, the doctor determines an individual treatment plan. This should include 2 - 3 treatments per day, including the application of a natural healing source 3 times per week. The treatment normally takes place 6, rarely 7 days a week.

During treatment at the Imperial Hotel, you must undergo an entrance and exit examination, and if you stay longer than 12 days, you will also undergo a follow-up examination. Our doctors prescribe up to 3-4 treatments per day, depending on the type of programme.

Number of patients per doctor

In order for the doctor to be able to devote his full attention to determining the treatment plan and your treatment, he must not be overwhelmed by a flood of patients. The optimal number is considered to be 60 - 80 patients per doctor.

At the Imperial Hotel, each doctor is responsible for a maximum of 60 patients.

The expertise of the medical staff

A good quality facility should have a sufficient number of permanent doctors qualified for spa treatment, as well as qualified head and station nurses, one masseur per 50 patients and at least one physiotherapist per 100 patients. Spa vehicles should be staffed by trained spa and other staff.

Hotel Imperial is a long-established specialist in spa medicine, led by a professional team of doctors and health professionals who are continuously trained based on the latest spa trends.

Medical supervision

The spa must have a 24-hour medical supervision service - night nurses.

A nurse is available 24 hours 7 days a week at the hotel Imperial .

Laboratory facilities

The treatment facility should have the ability to arrange for the collection, and processing of basic laboratory tests. It should be able to arrange for additional specialized testing by an accredited laboratory.

The hotel Imperial has its own laboratory suitable for basic tests, blood and urine collections. Of course, we are also able to provide specialised tests in collaboration with an accredited laboratory.

Diet composition

Due to the illnesses treated in Carlsbad, each facility should be able to offer a choice of at least three meals from each of the following diets: 2 - thrifty, 3 - rational, 4 - thrifty with fat restriction.

Restaurant Prague has a wide range of dishes suitable for different diets. The food is prepared with fresh ingredients and modern technology is used for preparation.

Language skills of the staff

It is essential that doctors are able to communicate with patients in English, German and Russian. Similar language skills are expected of other medical and other staff.

Spa Hotel Imperial has language-equipped staff and provides interpreting services for a fee by arrangement.


When treating musculoskeletal disorders, it is imperative that the treatment facility has its own swimming pool.

Hotel Imperial offers an indoor swimming pool 15x 8,5 mo at a temperature of 29°C.

Sports and relaxation facilities

The provision of leisure activities outside of treatment is an essential complement to treatment. Each facility should be able to offer sporting and other opportunities. It is, of course, very useful if it can offer its own leisure facilities.

Every guest of the Imperial Hotel, has FREE access to the Sports Centre as part of their stay. There are various machines, group lessons and also the possibility of using the tennis courts.

Medical certification

 Every facility that offers treatment must absolutely hold a state license for medical activity. This licence is conditional on, among other things, the employment of a doctor with the appropriate certification - a professional guarantor.

Hotel Imperial has a long-standing specialty in spa medicine under the guidance of a professional team of doctors and health care professionals who are continuously trained on the basis of the latest trends in spa medicine.

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